Identity Healing®

Identity Healing® is an integrated set of processes developed for EFT Practitioners to undo troublesome identity beliefs and inner conflicts. They are not a miracle cure or a therapy in themselves, but used in the context of therapy they can help facilitate deep and lasting change for the better.

Identity Healing

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About Identity Healing

What Identity Healing is and how it can help.

Identity Healing Training

How to get trained in these advanced EFT based techniques.

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heal (verb):
Old English hælan “cure; save; make whole, sound and well,” from hailjan, literally “to make whole”

Identity Healing For Individuals

Most people haven’t had a completely perfect upbringing, some of us may have had an awful upbringing.

We all do our best to get by as we are growing up, but some of our survival strategies and the conclusions we came to cause trouble in our adult lives.

For example: if you feel that you are not good enough or feel like a young distressed part of you is running parts of your life then those are signs of those old beliefs and strategies.

The Identity Healing processes are designed to help us undo some of the unhelpful aspects of our upbringing.

Identity Healing For Professionals

If you have been an EFT Practitioner for any length of time you will have had clients who have said things like “I’m not good enough” or “There is something wrong with me” or “I am damaged beyond repair”.

These statements, sometimes called ‘identity beliefs’, point to deep, wounded parts of themselves. Helping people with ‘who they are’ (identity) is more complicated than working with ‘what happened to them’ (memories) or how they feel.

In standard EFT the practitioner identifies and neutralises the memories of the experiences that led the client to believe that they are not good enough, or there is something wrong with them, or they are damaged beyond repair. Softening these memories helps the person let go of those old identities - one memory at a time.

What if there was another way?

Identity Healing takes a different approach. Rather than finding and working with the memories these techniques work directly with the younger ‘parts’ of ourselves that hold those beliefs.

These ‘parts’ of ourselves are constellations of feelings, thoughts, perceptions, needs, lacks and behaviours that have been frozen in time.

The parts, and our relationship to them, may have come into being in just one experience, or as the result of few, or many, experiences.

In this approach the memories don’t matter, you don’t need to work with what happened to you. You directly help the parts of yourself that were created, by soothing their distress, then giving them the all the resources they needed at that time (and didn’t have) and, finally, bringing them back into your adult self.

We may also have ’negative’ attitudes to those parts of ourselves, we may blame them, be angry at them, try to suppress them or be ashamed of them. Sometimes it is not just the younger self who is suffering.

As a bonus feature, these processes also help you heal the relationship you have with those younger parts of yourself.

Learning to use Identity Healing techniques gives EFT Practitioners a powerful and graceful way of working with painful identity beliefs and suffering younger selves.


While Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and the Identity Healing processes have produced excellent clinical results neither are yet widely accepted as formally validated scientific techniques and thus must be considered experimental in nature with no guaranteed outcome in any individual.

Neither EFT or Identity Healing are therapies in themselves and all of the descriptions of treatment are not meant to imply that everyone will benefit in a particular way.

Adverse effects are extremely rare, and, if any emotional intensity occurs in treatment, it is often the result of a previous or underlying problem.

Important: The word ‘Healing’ in the name ‘Identity Healing’ describes the intent of the process: to help people become less fragmented and more whole, it is not the promise of a cure.